Saturday, 28 August 2010

Transformers (2007) by Michael Bay - (2/10)

I do not remember seeing a movie, this was 3 hours of things flashing on the screen, transformers transforming, teenagers running and a lot of driving and also explosions. I cannot say that this was bad because I do not even consider this to be a movie. There was some plot that took about 45 seconds of the total duration. Not sure if there were characters in it. Mildly enjoyable if you like shiny stuff but I found that there was no substance or even a movie to be found anywhere in this thing.
Also I felt like the transformers were like too movable. They had too many moving parts. I remember them – a little bit – from my youth and they were cute because they could turn to something human-like with very little moving parts. They still looked like cars after transforming, I kind of liked that, that was gone in this movie, too much CGI and a demand for it, I suppose.

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